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Several equipments are being purchased and used in the context of the project, in order to perform, test and validate the proposed approach. Below we introduce three of them: the Luna ODiSI 6108 interrogator for distributed fiber detection, the large Hexapod of the LMPS and the Hexapod PI H-850 for loading control.
The project requires a methodological follow-up for the realization of the stages of design and realization of the experiments of simulation.
To cross the gap and force a breakthrough to go from smart materials to smart structures, the innovative concept proposed in the project is a continuous and dynamical connection between advanced in-situ sensing devices (in terms of distributed optic fiber sensors) and a high-fidelity simulator (digital twin), making then benefit of all available knowledge for early detection and control of damage phenomena.
The DREAM-ON project addresses the design of smart autonomous mechanical structures, able to perform online control of their health and take anticipated actions during service before critical events occur.
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