Open Science
In order to allow free access to knowledge and scientific innovation, Open Science is the key to the transition to the challenges of society, the stakes of new technologies and the rise of digital technology. It is an unprecedented perspective that opens the possibility for scientific research and innovation to be able to disseminate information in open access.
The use of this transparent and open system gives the scientific community but also the general public a better ease of access because no fees are required. Based on the principles decided by the ERC for its Horizon funding program, projects must allow free and immediate access to data, open and secure licensing and rights to reuse digital resources.
In order to allow free access to knowledge and scientific innovation, open science is the key to the transition to the challenges of society, the challenge of new technologies and the rise of digital. It is a perspective that opens the possibility for scientific research and innovation to be able to disseminate information in open access. A means that will allow many projects to have more visibility and views on their research and that will increase new opportunities for cooperation, but also for development within the scientific community.
The use of this transparent and open system gives to the scientific community, but also to the general public, a better ease of access, as no fees are required. The only parameter that remains to be studied is the copyright of the publications that can be impacted by this open access, but the sharing platforms must guarantee in the future a protection of the documents without constraint of use.
Based on the principles decided by the ERC for its Horizon Europe funding program, projects must allow free and immediate access to data, an open and secure license and the rights to reuse digital resources. This goes in the direction of open science, which with all these accesses wants to make science accessible to all and without constraints. To understand open science, it is above all to be in an approach by the open data which develop more and more with the new technologies and the networks of sharing.
The DREAM-ON project uses open science to disseminate the progress of its project and makes available on the site essential information such as articles, documents and publications in open access.
Find below some articles on the ERC website about open science.
Open Science - Editorial from ERC Scientific Council
Rights retention and open access
Open science needs no martyrs, but we must recognize the need for reform